25+ Bing Image Creator Prompt: सोशल मीडिया पर 3D Image का प्रचलन काफी तेजी से बढ़ता जा रहा है। काफी सोशल मीडिया यूजर Bing AI Generator 3D Instagram Image का Use अपनी सोशल मीडिया प्रोफाइल पर कर रहे है।
आपकी जानकारी के लिए बता दें की Bing AI 3d Instagram Image बनाने के लिए Bing Image Creator Prompt की आवश्यकता होती है। Instagram 3D Prompt Text Copy करके ही आप Social Media 3D Image Create कर सकते है।
लेकिन आपको बिल्कुल भी परेशान होने की जरूरत नहीं है क्योंकि आज के आर्टिकल में हम आपके लिए 25+ Bing Image Creator Prompt लेकर आए हैं जिनका उपयोग करके आप आसानी से Instagram 3D Image बना सकते है।
Table of Contents
सोशल मीडिया 3D इमेज प्रॉम्प्ट क्या है? | What is a social media 3D image prompt?
दोस्तों सबसे पहले जान लेते है कि आख़िर सोशल मीडिया 3D इमेज प्रॉम्प्ट क्या होते है? तो आपको बता दे की Prompt AI Moel के द्वारा संचालित होते है। जो 3D कार्टून, 3D Image बनाने का कार्य करते है।
साधारण शब्दो मे समझे तो Prompt कुछ इंट्रोडक्शन (introduction) दिया होता है। कि आप किस विषय में इमेज बनाना चाहते हैं। इस इंट्रोडक्शन (introduction) को हम Prompt कहे सकते है। Prompt की मदद से आप आसानी से Bing Image Create कर सकते है।
सोशल मीडिया 3D इमेज कैसे बनाएं? इसके बारे में डिटेल में जानने के लिए आप नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें?
Bing Image Creator Text Copy
” Design a 3D visual for a profile image featuring a 20-year-old charismatic man in a White hoodie, casually seated on a Wingback chair. Adorned with sneakers, a Yellow mask, and sunglasses, he gazes forward. The backdrop displays the name “mukesh chandra” in bold yellow neon light fonts against a dark grey wall. Intentionally omit his shadow and incorporate wings for an angelic touch”
“Create a 3D illustration showcasing a realistic 20-year-old boy engrossed in coding, seated in front of a 3D logo for a social media platform. The character wears a green and white pant coat, tie, sneakers, and glasses. The background highlights a social media profile page with the username “your username” and a matching profile picture, modified accordingly”
” Develop a 3D illustration with an animated character casually seated on top of an “Instagram” logo. The character sports casual modern clothing, including jeans, a jacket, and sneakers. The background features a social media profile page with the username “mukesh chandra” and a corresponding profile picture”
“Create a 3D illusion for a profile picture featuring a 20-year-old boy in a white hoodie casually seated on a Wingback chair. Wearing sneakers, a black mask, and sunglasses, he looks ahead. The background highlights “Mukes chandra ” in bold green neon light fonts on a dark grey wall. Intentionally exclude his shadow and add wings to create an angelic appearance”
“Design a 3D illustration of an animated character casually seated on top of a “WhatsApp” logo. The character wears modern clothing, including a jeans jacket and sneakers. The background features a social media profile page with the username “KM Saroj” and a matching profile picture”
“Develop a 3D illustration featuring an animated character casually seated on top of a social media logo “Social Media Name.” The character wears casual modern clothing, including a jeans jacket and sneakers. The background depicts a social media profile page with the username “Your Name” and a matching profile picture’
” Create a 3D illusion for an Instagram profile picture featuring a boy and girl in black and red shirts casually seated on a Wingback Chair. Wearing sneakers, a black cricket cap, and sunglasses, the boy looks ahead. The background showcases “i love you so Much” in bold white fonts on the black wall. Emphasizing “Time is love,” intentionally omit his shadow, and add wings for an angelic touch”
” Design a 3D illusion for a profile picture featuring a 25-year-old boy in a white shirt casually seated on a Wingback chair. Wearing sneakers, he looks ahead. The background highlights “I hate you” in bold red neon light fonts on the dark grey wall. Omit his shadow intentionally and incorporate wings to create an angelic appearance”
” Illustrate a 25-year-old boy casually seated on top of the YouTube logo. The character wears casual modern clothing, including a jeans jacket and sneakers. The background is a social media profile page with the username “YourName321″ and a profile picture that matches the animated character”
Bing Image Creator Text Copy
“Set against the backdrop of a bustling city, a 20-year-old boy with medium-length beautiful hair is casually seated on a Yellow Vespa. He wears a casual shirt, a black mask, and the name ‘mr badal’ is written on the number plate. This 3D art painting captures a realistic scene with high resolution.”
“Craft a 3D illustration of an animated character casually seated on top of the Instagram logo. The character wears casual modern clothing, such as a jeans jacket and sneakers. The background features a social media profile page with the username “YourName123″ and a profile picture that matches the animated character”
“Set against the backdrop of a bustling city, a 20-year-old boy with medium-length beautiful hair is casually seated on a Yellow Vespa. He wears a casual shirt, a black mask, and the name ‘Ravi Gautam’ is written on the number plate. This 3D art painting captures a realistic scene with high resolution.”
” Craft a 3D illustration featuring an animated character casually seated on top of the WhatsApp logo. The character sports casual modern clothing, including a jeans jacket and sneakers. The background showcases a social media profile page with the username “arvind Kumar” and a profile picture that matches.”
” Develop a 3D illustration featuring a realistic 17-year-old boy engrossed in software development in front of a 3D logo of Snapchat. The boy wears red and white casual shirts, glasses, and headphones. The background highlights a social media profile page with the username “rahul kumar ” and a matching profile picture, modified according to your perspective.”
” Create a 3D illustration featuring an 18-year-old boy engrossed in coding on a chair in front of the 3D logo of Snapchat. The character wears a green and white pant coat, tie, sneakers, and glasses. The background showcases a social media profile page with the username “Mukesh Chandra” and a matching profile, modified accordingly.”
“Develop a 3D illustration featuring a realistic 17-year-old boy immersed in software development in front of a 3D logo of YouTube. The boy wears red and white casual shirts, glasses, and headphones. The background highlights a social media profile page with the username “Mr Dalpat” and a matching profile picture, modified according to your perspective”
दोस्तो अगर आपको 3D Image Create करने में किसी तरह की Problme आ रही है। या फिर आप अपने नाम से सोशल मीडिया इमेज तैयार करवाना चाहते हैं, तो आप कमेंट करके उसकी डिटेल दे दें हम आपकी इमेज तैयार करके आपके ईमेल पर भेज देंगे।
दोस्तो यह था हमारा आज का आर्टिकल जिसमे हमने आपको सोशल मीडिया 3D इमेज बनाने के लिए Prompt प्राप्त करें? | 25+ Bing Image Creator Prompt को शेयर किया है।
उम्मीद करता हूँ हमारे इस आर्टिकल में शेयर किए गए Prompt आपके लिए useful रहे होंगे। दोस्तों वास्तव में अगर आपके लिए यह उपयोगी रहे हैं तो हमारे इस आर्टिकल को अपने दोस्तों के साथ जरूर शेयर करें।